
 DTP/校對(duì)/本地化案例     |      2016-07-25 18:34:23







全係列 全領(lǐng)域 挑戰(zhàn)全球第一

All series, all fields, and challenge for the world’s first position


Hengsheng, marching towards wisdom casting



About the Company


China famous brand— Hengsheng of Shandong


1. Top 100 Private Casting Enterprises of Jinan City, Shandong Province


2.Global distribution —Egypt branch


3. The manufacturer of wheels of armored vehicle motorcade in the Parade held on September 3, 2015 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of victory of Anti-Japanese War

4.通過IS090012000 質(zhì)量保證體係認(rèn)證和ISO/TS16949質(zhì)量體係認(rèn)證  

4. IS09001: 2000 Quality Assurance System Certification and ISO/TS16949 Quality System Certification


5. National Advanced Grass-roots CPC Organization, National Civilized Unit, Chinese Famous-brand Product, Chinese Excellent Innovative Enterprise, National Enterprise of Utmost Good Faith, National Welfare Enterprise ...



產(chǎn)品展示   推薦產(chǎn)品

Product display      Recommended products


井蓋 水泵泵殼    變速機(jī)外殼   壓縮機(jī)附件 橋板  電機(jī)支架  電機(jī)外殼 

卡車後橋    機(jī)床床身     輪邊    瀏覽更多產(chǎn)品

Manhole cover    Water pump case   Variator shell    Air compressor accessory   Bridge plate

Motor bracket    Motor casing   Truck rear axle     Machine tool bed     Wheel edge

For more products


精良設(shè)備  Excellent equipment

生產(chǎn)設(shè)備 拋丸機(jī) 中頻電爐 樹脂砂生產(chǎn)線 退火爐 射芯機(jī) 造型機(jī)

Production equipment    Shot blasting machine   Medium frequency furnace   Resin sand production line

Annealing furnace   Core shooter   Molding machine

加工設(shè)備 數(shù)控機(jī)床

Processing equipment   CNC machine tool

檢測(cè)設(shè)備 型砂試驗(yàn)機(jī)  金相顯微鏡 五大元素分析儀 拉力試驗(yàn)機(jī) 布氏硬度計(jì)  瀏覽更多設(shè)備

Test equipment    Casting sand tester   Metallographic microscope   five-element analyzer   Tension tester

Brinell tester      

For more equipment



News information

公司動(dòng)態(tài)  本公司網(wǎng)站正式開通了!歡迎各界同仁光臨本站!

Company Dynamics 

The Company’s website is officially launched! Welcome all friends to visit our website!


Industry News


重型卡車輕量化”≠偷工減料   閱讀量 

“Lightweight” of Heavy-duty Truck ≠cheating on workmanship and materials    Pageviews

近期與重卡圈內(nèi)的老同事和朋友們聊有關(guān)重型卡車輕量化問題,後又到了市郊的一些重卡品牌經(jīng)銷商店轉(zhuǎn)了轉(zhuǎn), 真的發(fā)現(xiàn)一些重卡品牌的所謂輕量化產(chǎn)品成了偷工減料化,再與物流集散場(chǎng)地的司機(jī)們談此話題,老重卡司機(jī)們都說現(xiàn)在新出的產(chǎn)品是今不如昔,還不 如上世紀(jì)的老斯太爾和十年前的國(guó)產(chǎn)重卡老產(chǎn)品,主要是太不皮實(shí),超一點(diǎn)載就會(huì)出現(xiàn)這樣那樣的問題,尤其是禁不起惡劣的工作環(huán)境。

Recently, I have talked about the issue on “lightweight” of heavy-duty truck with some old colleagues and friends in the heavy-duty truck circles, and visited the dealers of some heavy-duty truck brands in the suburbs, and finally discovered that the “lightweight” products of some heavy-duty truck brands became the ones cheating on workmanship and materials. Afterwards, I have mentioned this topic with drivers in logistical distributing centers, according to them, the present new products are not as good as those in the past, and even inferior to the Steyr of last century and the domestically made heavy-duty trucks ten years ago; the main problem is that they are too “weak”, and likely to have different problems once overloaded a little bit, especially they are unable to stand bad working environment.

現(xiàn)在在售的重型卡車可以說全都實(shí)行了輕量化設(shè)計(jì),不僅包括看得見摸得著的地方,許多看不見摸不著的地方也進(jìn)行了輕量化的設(shè)計(jì),但筆者認(rèn)為是絕大多數(shù)係材料上的輕量化,而結(jié)構(gòu)上的輕量化設(shè)計(jì)卻很少。如保險(xiǎn)桿設(shè)計(jì),現(xiàn)在基本上都是分段式的,用材是PVC塑料,而不象國(guó)外重卡的保險(xiǎn)桿設(shè)計(jì),有不少也是用記憶性 PVC塑料並有包有蜂窩狀鋼筋作為支撐,因此強(qiáng)度相當(dāng)高。此外,雖然也都是四點(diǎn)懸浮式駕駛室,但因許多非支撐結(jié)構(gòu)也由全鋼結(jié)構(gòu)的汽車用鋼板換成了PVC塑 料件模塊,所以其強(qiáng)度硬度對(duì)比鋼板也就差多了,一旦發(fā)生碰撞車禍,因無抗撞擊性能而導(dǎo)致車毀人亡,懸浮式駕駛室也難保性命之虞。諸如此類所謂的從裏到外的輕量化設(shè)計(jì),有些竟成偷工減料的借口,許多路邊汽配店的假冒偽劣零部件猖獗,肆無忌憚。也有一些車企為了市場(chǎng)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)而節(jié)約成本,對(duì)車輛有意地進(jìn)行了所謂輕量化設(shè)計(jì),其實(shí)也就是偷梁換柱偷工減料。